Metallic Epoxy Flooring

We can handle anything when it comes to epoxy flooring solutions
Flagstaff Epoxy

Metallic Epoxy Installations

We can help guide you through the entire process!
Does your company operate out of a warehouse or factory, and your current concrete flooring system is no longer serviceable. Are you seeking a flooring alternative that is durable, sturdy, and structurally resilient? We have everything you need when it comes to installing an affordable and dependable metallic epoxy flooring system. Metallic epoxy offers many unique benefits that you will not find with traditional concrete flooring solutions, and we want to tell you why you should make the switch today.

The metallic mixture is comprised of modified pigments and high-grade materials that create a unique 3-D effect that is extraordinarily beautiful and visually appealing. Metallic epoxy flooring is also extremely durable and can preserve its structural integrity in any industrial environment. Also, concrete is very porous and susceptible to damage, but the metallic epoxy overlay will protect your concrete flooring from potential deterioration and corrosion.

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    Flagstaff Epoxy

    Metallic Epoxy Solutions

    Metallic Epoxy Greatly Enhances Productivity

    Many of our commercial and industrial clients hire our services because they need a flooring system that is durable and long-lasting. In an industrial environment, your concrete flooring is exposed to chemicals, oils, and other invasive substances, and this can also lead to irreparable damage. The strong and sturdy metallic epoxy topcoat seals off your concrete flooring and prevents it from deteriorating. Also, metallic epoxy is slip-resistant, which will significantly reduce the number of accidents and injuries that occur, and the metallic epoxy surface is also very shiny, which greatly increases visibility and makes it easier for everyone to see what they are doing.

    Metallic epoxy is perfect for warehouses and factories because it guarantees that there will be very minimal disturbances in the production process. You will also save a ton of money on repairs, resurfacing, maintenance, and cleaning.

    Easy to Clean and Minimal Maintenance

    Metallic epoxy is a resilient flooring material because dirt, dust, and debris will not adhere to it, making it much easier and simpler to clean up any messes. We understand that things can get hectic during the workday and we want to help you by limiting the resources and manpower that you invest in performing cleaning procedures.

    Many of our clients are also business owners, and they tell us that maintenance can be extremely exhausting both physically and financially. Our metallic epoxy solutions are a great way to eliminate the burden of constantly repairing and repaving your concrete flooring. You will also save a great deal of money by ridding yourself of all those costly maintenance fees.

    Strength and Durability

    Metallic Epoxy flooring will rarely if ever undergo severe structural attrition, and this is because the polished overlay of the epoxy is extremely durable and it protects your concrete flooring from being exposed to moisture, heat, and chemicals. Most metallic epoxy installations will not experience any damage at all for the first four to five years!

    If properly installed, you can expect your metallic epoxy flooring system to last up to 10 years. The lengthy average lifespan of epoxy flooring makes it a very popular option for many commercial and industrial operators and manufacturers. Ultimately, the concrete underneath the metallic epoxy coating is guarded against potential wear and tear.

    Flagstaff Epoxy

    Concrete Preparation

    The most important step of every metallic epoxy installation
    Your concrete flooring must undergo thorough preparatory procedures before the metallic epoxy mixture is applied. What we do is we clean the floor of any dust and debris, then we go through and fix any cracks with an epoxy filler. We also determine if old sealants or epoxy materials were used on the floor.

    The pre-installation process is super important because if something is overlooked then these coils lead to major deficiencies in your epoxy flooring. Cleaning the floor before the installation process guarantees that the epoxy mixture will adhere to the underlying concrete material. If we skip any steps in the process, your concrete flooring could end up having major structural issues that we require us to go back and re-install the metallic epoxy.

    Some Other Benefits to Consider
    • Metallic epoxy is relatively economical to install, and you will save a lot of money on future repairs and resurfacing.
    • Metallic epoxy flooring greatly enhances worker safety
    • Metallic epoxy offers a significant amount of traction and skid-resistance, making it a perfect flooring alternative for vehicle usage
    • Metallic epoxy has incredible longevity, which is something you won’t find with traditional concrete flooring solutions
    • Metallic epoxy is visually stunning and offers a multitude of design choices

    Metallic Epoxy Flooring

    Commercial, Residential, and Industrial Options
    Because metallic epoxy is strong and durable, you install in many different interior environments. Some examples include car garages, living rooms, hotel lobbies, courthouses, public buildings, hair salons, and even retail stores. The mirror-like appearance of metal epoxy is very gorgeous and appealing, and many of our clients choose it for aesthetic purposes.

    A lot of people associate metallic epoxy with high-end materials used in building opulent environments. However you decide to use it, metallic epoxy is a significant upgrade from most other flooring materials. Call us today and we can help you plan out and install your new metallic epoxy flooring system.


    Call us today for a free quote on your metallic epoxy installation!

    Talk to one of our professional epoxy contractors today and they will tell everything you need to know about our services.


    Our experienced epoxy professionals are the right people to call
    Below are some of our most commonly asked questions. If you want to learn more about our company and our metallic epoxy solutions, go ahead and contact one of our team members today!

    Can I install metallic epoxy in my garage?

    Yes, you can. We recommend that you utilize metallic epoxy for garage floor installations because the material is very resilient and durable. We can say with certainty that metallic epoxy is an ideal material for garage flooring because of its load-bearing strength. Oils spills and leaks are also likely to occur in your garage, and you want a flooring material that protects and preserves your concrete flooring.

    How long does it take to install metallic epoxy?

    The installation is fairly straightforward when it comes to metallic epoxy. On average, installations can take up to two or three days to complete depending on the current condition of your current concrete flooring. If you need an installation to be performed in a large, wide-open area, then it could take us a little longer to get the job done, but overall our installations are quick and simple.

    How long does metallic epoxy last?

    If you are installing your metallic epoxy flooring in a warehouse or some other industrial setting, the average lifespan is around 10 years, but in a commercial or residential environment, metallic epoxy can last up to 25 years with minimal maintenance and cleaning. Also, applying an epoxy topcoat can extend the lifespan of your concrete flooring by about 7 years.